Barenreiter’s Sassmannshaus – Early Start On The Violin – Vol 2


  • Subtitle: A violin method for children age four and older
  • Composer: Kurt Saßmannshaus
  • Product Format; Instrumental Tutor
  • Instrument Group: Violin

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The second volume already presents classical Violin duets.

The child’s knowledge and technique is expanded by dotted rhythms, sixteenths notes, and first double stops. And here is the most revolutionary aspect of the method:different finger patterns can be connected and combined to create any major and minor scale without the use of open strings.

This creates the ability to practice scales in any position, often within the first year of playing!

With this skill, songs learned in first position are easily transposed to other keys and higher position. Coupled with beginning shifting exercises this sets a foundation for an early virtuoso technique not available in any other method.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

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