Wladyslaw Szpilman – Three Little Folk Songs Suites (After Own Children’s Songs) for Piano.


Wladyslaw Szpilman – Three Little Folk Sons Suites (After Own Children’s Songs) for Piano. Published by Boosey & Hawkes.

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WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Szpilman “Wladek” (5 December 1911 – 6 July 2000) was a Polish pianist, composer and memoirist. Szpilman is widely known as the protagonist of the 2002 Roman Polanski film The Pianist, which is based on his book “The Pianist” recounting his survival of the German occupation of Warsaw and the Holocaust.

From his early Berlin years Szpilman never gave up the will to write music, even when living in the Warsaw Ghetto. His compositions include orchestral works, concertos, piano pieces, but also lots of music for radio plays and films, as well as around 500 songs. More than 100 of these are very well known as hits and evergreens in Poland. In the 1950s he wrote about 40 songs for children, for which he received an award from the Polish Composers Union in 1955.

In this edition we present the most attractive pieces from a collection of Szpilman’s children’s songs, originally written for voice and piano. These are lovely melodies, entertaining, colourful and delightful to play and teach, and we wish you pleasure with them all!


Suite in C:

  1. Moderato.
  2. Moderato.
  3. Vivace.

Suite in G:

  1. Moderato.
  2. Lento.
  3. Allegro.
  4. Vivace ma Moderato.

Suite in F:

  1. Vivace.
  2. Tempo di Mazurka.
  3. Tempo di Mazurka.
  4. Tempo di Marcia.
  5. Vivace.

Additional information

Weight 1.000000 kg