The Easiest Tune Book of Christmas Carols – Book 2 for Piano, Vocal and Guitar (PVG).


The Easiest Tune Book of Christmas Carols – Book 2 for Piano, Vocal and Guitar (PVG).

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Thirty-one more carols arranged for easy piano with simple harmonies, lyrics and fingering, as compiled and arranged by Eleanor Franklin Pike!


  1.  A Child Is Born On Christmas Morn   
  2.  A Child This Day Is Born  
  3.  A Virgin Most Pure   
  4.  All My Heart This Night Rejoices  
  5.  Angels Lullaby   
  6.  Angels, From The Realms Of Glory  
  7.  As Joseph Was A-walking   
  8.  Bellman’s Song  
  9.  Bethlehem   
  10.  Brightest And Best  
  11.  Carol, Carol Gaily   
  12.  Christ Was Born On Christmas Day  
  13.  Christians Awake   
  14.  Come, Come To The Manger  
  15.  Cradled All Lowly   
  16.  Deck The Halls  
  17.  Ding Dong! Merrily On High   
  18.  Furry Day Carol  
  19.  God Bless The Master Of This House   
  20.  Greensleeves  
  21.  Hark, The Glad Sound!   
  22.  He Smiles Within His Cradle  
  23.  In Excelsis Gloria   
  24.  Like Silver Lamps  
  25.  List Our Merry Carol   
  26.  Little Jesus Sweetly Sleep  
  27.  Manger Throne   
  28.  Masters In This Hall  
  29.  Moon Shines Bright   
  30.  O Leave Your Sheep  
  31.  O Little Town Of Bethlehem   
  32.  On Christmas Night All Christians Sing  
  33.  On The Birthday Of The Lord   
  34.  On The First Day Of Christmas  
  35.  Quem Pastores Laudavere   
  36.  Shepherds Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep  
  37.  Sussex Carol   
  38.  The Cherry Tree Carol  
  39.  The Rocking Carol   
  40.  The Twelve Days Of Christmas [Traditional]  
  41.  We Wish You A Merry Christmas   
  42.  When Christ Was Born Of Mary Free  
  43.  Who Is This Child In Cot So Lowly